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Changes of Programming/Erlang/2008/02/26/udpmsg between Epoch and 2008/02/26 15:14:14 JST

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+ せっかくだからErlang版も張っとく。
+ {{{
+ -module(udpmsg).
+ -export([send/2]).
+ -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl").
+ -define(IPMSG_VERSION,      16#0001).
+ -define(IPMSG_DEFAULT_PORT, 16#0979).
+ -define(IPMSG_SENDMSG,      16#020).
+ -define(IPMSG_SENDCHECKOPT, 16#100).
+ -define(DEFAULT_UDP_OPTS, [
+                            {active, false},
+ %			   {broadcast, true}
+ 			   {reuseaddr, true},
+                           ]).
+ send_format(Num, Host, User, Cmd) ->
+     lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.10b:~.10b:~s:~s:~.10b:",    [?IPMSG_VERSION, Num, User, Host, Cmd])).
+ send_format(Num, Host, User, Cmd, Extra) ->
+     lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.10b:~.10b:~s:~s:~.10b:~s", [?IPMSG_VERSION, Num, User, Host, Cmd, Extra])).
+ send(Host, Msg) ->
+     Num = erlang:phash(erlang:localtime(), 16777215),
+     case gen_udp:open(0, ?DEFAULT_UDP_OPTS) of
+ 	{ok, Socket} ->
+ 	    EntMsg = send_format(Num, "local", "erlang", ?IPMSG_SENDMSG, Msg),
+ 	    io:format("send ~s port ~w~n", [EntMsg, ?IPMSG_DEFAULT_PORT]),
+ 	    gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, ?IPMSG_DEFAULT_PORT, EntMsg),
+ 	    gen_udp:close(Socket);
+ 	Error ->
+ 	    Error
+     end.
+ }}}